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Tuesday, February 25, 2020

9 Germy Places to Avoid or Disinfect This Winter

As winter settles in, it’s time to brush up on your disinfecting smarts. Harmful bacteria can lurk in places you’d never suspect, and knowing which places to be wary of can help you avoid getting sick this winter.

At home 

There are harmful microbes all over our homes-and most are found in the kitchen. 

Kitchen sink
According to microbiologist Charles Gerba, there is more fecal bacteria in your kitchen sink than there is in your toilet after flushing it. Gerba recommends regularly scrubbing your sinks with diluted bleach, or with a kitchen cleaning product that contains bleach. For best results, allow the cleaning solution to sit for a bit before wiping, or use wipes for a more targeted cleanup. Be sure to clean the entire sink and all nearby surfaces, as well.


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