Blog Archive


Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Tips for Grads: Planning for College Tuition

With January comes the second half of the school year and, for upperclassmen, the impending excitement (and dread) of college right around the corner. While there are many amazing things to look forward to when graduating high school, the looming worry about college tuition is there for the majority of graduates. If you’re part of the nearly 60% of Americans worried about having enough money to pay for college or trade school, you’re not alone. And while it may seem daunting—we’re here to help!

Focus on Positives


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Making the Holidays Count When Home from College

Are you a college student that’s home for the holidays or know one that is? Don’t spend your break sleeping in until noon and letting the time slip through your fingers with nothing to show for it.

Check out our handy list of ways you can make the holidays count while still getting some of that much-needed rest and relaxation you’ve been craving all semester. You can still get your beauty rest and sleep in, only not until noon – well, at least not every day.


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