Blog Archive


Monday, January 7, 2019

6 Ways to Help Pay for College

Whether you are paying for college yourself or getting help from family members, college is an expensive endeavor for everyone! With the cost of tuition and room and board increasing each year, it’s important to consider your options when paying for higher education. Here are 6 ways you might have overlooked.

1. Start a 529 plan
Ideally, a tax-advantaged 529 account is opened for a young child, so the savings can accrue over time. While this is an attractive option for families with younger children, experts say it's still worth opening a 529 account even if your student is already in high school.


Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Making the Holidays Count When Home from College

Are you a college student that’s home for the holidays or know one that is? Don’t spend your break sleeping in until noon and letting the time slip through your fingers with nothing to show for it.

Check out our handy list of ways you can make the holidays count while still getting some of that much-needed rest and relaxation you’ve been craving all semester. You can still get your beauty rest and sleep in, only not until noon – well, at least not every day.


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