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Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Beware of Debt Relief Scams


High debt can be a beast, taking huge bites out of a household budget and destroying any chance of financial wellness. To make matters worse, being in high debt can mean being stuck in a desperate cycle that never ends, as payback is often accompanied by high interest rates that make it hard to get ahead. Unfortunately, scammers know this well, so they target victims with debt relief scams to get at their money.

Here’s what you need to know about debt relief scams and how to avoid them. 


Tuesday, July 9, 2019

7 Money Myths You Need to Stop Believing

Most of us grow up hearing the same financial advice: spend less, save more, and invest early. While most of these words of wisdom ring true, there are lots of widespread money management tips that are actually false.

You might think you’ve got a handle on your finances, but it’s likely you’re falling for at least one of these myths. Read on for 7 money myths that might be causing you more financial stress than benefit.

Myth #1: Debit is always better than credit.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

5 Ways to Pay off a Loan Early

If you’re like most Americans, you owe money on a large loan. Whether that’s credit card debt, a mortgage and/or a car loan, loan debt is part of your life. And that means you’re looking at hundreds of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. There’s also the mental load of knowing you’ll be paying on the debt for years to come.

Did you know there are simple tricks you can employ to lighten the load? With a carefully applied technique, you can pay off your mortgage, auto loan, credit card debt and any other debt you’re carrying sooner than you thought possible. These tricks are light on your finances, but they can make a big difference to the total interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan and get you debt-free faster.


Thursday, December 27, 2018

6 Financial Mistakes People Make in their 20's and How to Fix Them

Like many people, you may have blown through your 20's making financial decisions that served you well in the moment, but were not the most responsible. Dinner out several times a week, credit card bills you barely looked at, and luxury cars way beyond your budget—life was practically a party!

But now, the party’s over. You’ve woken up into adulthood and realized that all that overspending is going to cost you big—and it’s going to cost for years to come. Luckily, there’s hope. It’s not too late to fix the financial mistakes we all make when we’re young and blissfully ignorant. Here are six of the most common mistakes people make while in their 20's and how to fix them:


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