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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

7 Signs You're Living Beyond Your Means and How to Fix Them

In the age of plastic spending and mobile payments, it’s easier than ever to buy stuff you can’t pay for right away while supporting a lifestyle you can’t really afford. Let’s take a look at seven red flags that might mean you’re living beyond your means and the steps you can take to get back on track.

1. You’re carrying a credit card balance from month-to-month
If you have a high credit card balance and you’re paying just the minimum each month, you can end up carrying this balance for years while paying a lot in interest. You might also be tempted to make more purchases on this card since it already has a balance.


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Do I Need an Emergency and Rainy Day Fund?

In an effort to simplify their money, people sometimes consolidate accounts. This is ok in many instances, but it’s important to remember that rainy day funds and emergency funds serve different purposes. Additionally, it’s important to have not just one, but both funds available to tap into as needed. Read on for answers to all your questions on rainy day and emergency funds.

Why have a rainy day fund?
Say your washing machine suddenly needs replacing. You’re looking at an extra expense that can run anywhere from $350-$850. Where are you going to get that kind of money?


Thursday, December 27, 2018

6 Financial Mistakes People Make in their 20's and How to Fix Them

Like many people, you may have blown through your 20's making financial decisions that served you well in the moment, but were not the most responsible. Dinner out several times a week, credit card bills you barely looked at, and luxury cars way beyond your budget—life was practically a party!

But now, the party’s over. You’ve woken up into adulthood and realized that all that overspending is going to cost you big—and it’s going to cost for years to come. Luckily, there’s hope. It’s not too late to fix the financial mistakes we all make when we’re young and blissfully ignorant. Here are six of the most common mistakes people make while in their 20's and how to fix them:


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